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Campionati Mondiali Hobie Fishing a Austin Texas USA

Prepariamoci a tifare il nostro portacolori ai Mondiali di Fishing Kayak dal 4 al 9 novembre 2012  ad Austin Texas.

Nome: Gianluca

Cognome: Aramini

Residenza: Voghera

Età: 29

Gianluca started fishing with his father at the age of two. He devoted himself to small river fish and during their holidays by the sea Gianluca and his dad did a lot of rock fishing.

During his days at university Gianluca lived near a river, and his life was divided between books, parties and carp. In 2005 he discovered kayak fishing and since then has devoted himself almost exclusively to the research of large marine predators. Working in his spare time in 2010 he founded the forum which currently holds most of the Italian fans of this sport.

Gianluca has won three Italian championships and promotes kayak fishing in Italy through his success in these events.


La locandina dei Campionati
Gianluca al rientro vittorioso ai Campionati Italiani.
Con la sua preda più grossa.